There are many congregations out there that have good intentions, and yet are dying. Many times pastors and DSs have tried to turn that congregation around without success. Sometimes it is obvious what the needs are for the congregation, sometimes it is not. Too often trying to turn the congregation in a healthy direction feels like trying to turn the Titanic.
I was inspired yesterday by reading about a church in South Africa in The Teaching Ministry of Congregations. This church had a transformation as it owned the need to act out its faith against Apartheid. It wasn't a leading church against Apartheid, but it changed its entire trajectory with the help of a pastor who was only there for 18 months!
Anyone who's interested can check it out, I don't want to summarize his method here, but I want to highlight the inspiring point that given proper leadership, an understanding of a congregation's underlying theology that is assumed, and a solid direction to turn the congregation toward; it is possible to "turn the Titanic." It's amazing, but the underlying ethos of that congregation did change. What hope for those struggling to do a similar task.
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